Supported for Success
At Harvard College, we are deeply invested in your success. Many advising resources are available to help navigate your academic experience. Your advisors can help you plan your degree program or take advantage of unique academic opportunities such as study abroad. From move-in day through graduation and beyond, you'll receive the support, guidance, and encouragement you need to achieve your academic goals.
First-Year Advising
Starting in your first year, you'll work closely with a team of dedicated advisors. They will assist you in transitioning to college life and navigating Harvard’s academic curriculum. Advisors in academic departments can also provide guidance as you choose your concentration, which you'll declare in fall of sophomore year.
Your first-year advising team will include:
first-year advising team

Advising Programs Office
The goal of academic advising at Harvard is to ensure that all students are encouraged and supported in exploring the wide of range of opportunities inherent in a liberal arts education.
Upper-Level Student Advising
You'll declare your concentration during the fall of your sophomore year. After that point, specialized advisors in your field of study will provide your primary advising. There are also many advisors you can turn to outside of your concentration.
From Concentration Selection to Senior Projects
As you progress in your studies, you'll benefit from the guidance of your assigned Pre-Concentration Advisor, advisors in your residence, and specialist advisors in your chosen field.
The Allston Burr Resident Dean (ABRD) or Dudley Community Resident Dean in your Residential Community will be an important resource. You'll also continue to build your own network of advisors, seeking multiple perspectives on how to make the most of your time at Harvard.

Writing Center
At the Writing Center, Harvard students can get help with any aspect of their writing. If you need support on a specific assignment or general tips on improving your writing, trained undergraduate tutors are available to help.
Postgraduate Planning
The need for good advising doesn't stop as graduation approaches. As you prepare to graduate, we will help you navigate career planning and graduate or professional school applications.