Alert: Regular Action Financial Aid Deadline
Regular Action prospective financial aid applicants: The financial aid application deadline is February 1st. If you have not yet submitted your application, please do so as soon as you are able. This is a somewhat flexible deadline and there is no need to ask for an extension. A late application will be accepted, but may delay our ability to send you a timely financial aid decision.
Last Updated: January 31, 11:52am

Apply For Financial Aid
Get the Financial Support You Need
Financial aid is always available to your family - whether for your first year or your senior year. Our knowledgeable financial aid officers are here to help you navigate the financial aid application process. And if you have any questions - just ask us. We're here to help.
How to Apply for Aid
The financial aid application process is essentially the same for all students - regardless of nationality or citizenship. You will be asked to provide information about your family income and assets, outside awards, and any unusual or changed financial circumstances. Our financial aid officers work closely with you to determine your demonstrated need and your family's expected contribution. Once we have reviewed your information and determined your demonstrated need, you will be notified of your award for the coming year.
We strive to make our financial aid application process as streamlined as possible. If you run into any questions, you can contact our office and speak to a financial aid officer who will help you navigate the process.
Prospective Students
We encourage you to apply for financial aid at the same time as you apply for admission - that way, you'll know you can afford to come here the moment you are admitted. Follow our step-by-step instructions to apply for financial aid and know that our financial aid officers are here to help. Rest assured that applying for financial aid will in no way jeopardize your chances of admission.
Current Students
You are welcome to apply for aid each year - whether for your first year or your senior year. If you applied for aid in the previous academic year, we will automatically email you instructions for reapplying for the following year. Our financial aid officers are always here to work with your family.
Student Financial Aid Stories Video
This preview video does not contain audio.
Financial Aid Forms
You may be required to submit additional financial aid forms, such as the business/farm supplement, the cash flow statement, or the federal tax non-filer statement. You can find all of those forms on the Financial Aid Forms page. If you can't find something, don't hesitate to contact us.