Harvard Primus: The First-Gen / Low-Income Student Union


Harpreet, HFGP Coordinator
Harpreet Class of '22 Alumni
Authored on March 09, 2020


Growing up in Mississippi, I never looked at being a first-generation college student as anything special.

This was probably because it’s not uncommon to be a first-gen student where I grew up in Mississippi. I guess it didn't seem unusual to me; I didn’t realize the differences in support until I was applying to colleges and filling out financial aid forms. I couldn't just ask my parents for assistance - they lacked familiarity with this world of applications and financial aid. This realization didn’t really change anything though. I still had to finish the process with my own resources and avenues of support. 


It wasn’t until I got to college that I began to see the importance of being first-gen and what it meant in terms of pursuing a college degree.


Regardless of the background a first-gen student may come from, they represent something special. They serve as trailblazers and sources of inspiration for those who come after them. They honor the efforts and sacrifices of their supporters and loved ones, and they put themselves in a position to pay forward the help and support they received along the way.

To help me gain an understanding of what it meant to be a first-gen college student and adjust to college life, one of the student groups that I joined right away was Harvard Primus, Harvard's first-gen and/or low-income student union! Primus is the Latin word for "first," and this group is a home for many firsts. Primus welcomes students for whom coming to Harvard, and to college in general, was a significant decision for their families and communities. Furthermore, the group creates a sense of family and solidarity because the members of this community share the experiences — the ups and downs — associated with being first-gen and/or low-income.

Harvard Primus Executive Board 2019-2020

Primus Board

Harvard Primus Executive Board for the 2019-2020 academic year.

Harvard Primus Executive Board for the 2019-2020 academic year.

On campus, Harvard Primus hosts community-building events including study breaks, holiday gatherings, and social events with similar groups from other colleges and universities. Primus also hosts information sessions about opportunities on campus, how to navigate the resources available to students, and pre-professional information panels. Lastly, Harvard Primus advocates on behalf of under-resourced students to the administration to create newer and stronger systems of support for the Primus family.

It took me a while to discover what being first-gen really means. Primus not only helped me with this, but it also provided me a home away from home. If I can leave you with anything, it’s this: the challenges of being first-gen/low-income can be daunting, but remember that you are not on your own. It may be hard to see, but this identity and these experiences are shared by many. I hope that each and every one of you comes to find a sense of pride, strength, and belonging in being a first.


  • Residential Life
  • First-Year
  • Student Activities
  • Student Life

Harpreet Class of '22 Alumni

Hey everybody! My name is Harpreet, and I’m a senior from Mississippi living in Lowell House (best House!). I’m pursuing a concentration in Computer Science with a secondary in Government.

Harpreet, HFGP Coordinator