
Hello! I hope you are having a wonderful day! My name is Jadyn, and I am from Chattanooga, TN. I am double concentrating in Psychology on the Cognitive Neuroscience and Evolutionary Psychology (CNEP) track and Human Evolutionary Biology. I am also pursuing a secondary in Global Health & Health Policy and am a pre-medicine student. I am involved in Harvard Radcliffe Modern Dance Company, and Harvard’s Society of Black Scientists and Engineers, and I love discussing work-life balance. Outside of class, I enjoy exploring coffee shops, color-coding my agenda, and watching movies (I highly recommend Remember the Titans, Stepmom, The Chronicles of Narnia, and ANY Marvel film)
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you or your family might have. While the college admissions process can be difficult, I found it to be a reflective time of self-discovery, decision-making, and community-building. Meeting current students at Harvard was a huge factor in my family’s decision to choose Harvard, and I hope to create that connection with y’all as well!