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"We co-create an inclusive community that fuels exploration, discovery, and connection."

Rakesh Khurana
Danoff Dean of Harvard College

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Student Stories

Tips for Exploring Outside the City in the Summer

Every Harvard student knows the common suggestion of leaving the "Harvard Bubble," but not leaving the Boston Bubble.

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  • Treat Yourself!: Splurging on Summer Fun in Boston

    This is the first summer I have ever spent in Cambridge, so I wanted to make the most of it and treat myself to some pretty unique experiences.

  • Meandering List of Summer Must Reads

    During the semester I don’t have as much time to read as I would like, so summer break seems like the perfect opportunity to catch up!

  • Summers Working at Harvard

    Since arriving at Harvard, I have spent both of my summers on campus, and I will be here over the summer again this year.

Students sit around a classroom with a professor

A Better World Together

Harvard is committed to creating an inclusive living and learning environment for every member of our community.

Diversity & Inclusion