Please be aware that it is your responsibility to make sure that you have the appropriate health insurance coverage, whether you are studying on campus or abroad. All students are required to have health insurance, and the Harvard Blue Cross/ Blue Shield health insurance is automatically charged to each student’s termbill at the beginning of each semester. If you are covered under your family’s health insurance policy, you may be eligible to waive the Harvard health insurance. It is your responsibility to pursue the health insurance waiver, and University Health Services can help you with that decision.
The Health Fee and the Student Services Fee are the two mandatory Harvard fees, and are automatically charged to each student’s termbill at the beginning of each semester. You continue to be responsible for the Student Services Fee while abroad, and we include it in your budget. However, students who are studying abroad are usually eligible to waive the Health Fee. It is your responsibility to pursue the Health Fee waiver, and you should contact University Health Services about the Health Fee waiver.