
Category HFAI
David, HFAI Coordinator

Academic Details




Harvard Undergraduate Foreign Policy Initiative (HUFPI), Harvard College Debating Union (HCDU), Harvard African Students’ Association (HASA), Institute of Politics program on Politics of Race and Ethnicity (IOP-PRE)


Applied Math, with a secondary in Global Health & Health Policy, and a citation in Arabic


Habari zenu (Hello everyone)! My name is David and I am a senior in Adams House from Kenya. I concentrate in applied mathematics, with a secondary in Near East Languages & Civilizations, and a language citation in Arabic. Outside class, I am an associate at the Harvard Undergraduate Foreign Policy Initiative (HUFPI), a debater with the Harvard College Debating Union (HCDU), a member of the Harvard African Students’ Association (HASA), and a member of the Institute of Politics program on Politics of Race and Ethnicity (IOP-PRE). Besides being a Harvard Financial Aid Initiative (HFAI) coordinator, I also  advise a group of amazing first-years as a Peer Advising Fellow. I love exploring different cuisines, with a particular liking for East African, South Asian, and Middle Eastern food. These are foods prepared by the countless people in these regions who use the word ya’ni as a filler word in their languages, e.g. Swahili in my case. I also like exploring different states and countries. As a first-generation low-income student and as a beneficiary of HFAI, I am excited to respond to your inquiries ranging from the affordability of Harvard College to the application process to life at this fantastic college. Please reach out!