students in exercise dance clas

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Student Activities


Let Your Spirit Soar

College is about learning—and not all learning happens in the classroom. Extracurricular activities help you grow your talents and explore new interests. They create unique opportunities to bond with your classmates and develop skills that serve you well throughout your life.

At Harvard, activities will complement your studies. Your commitment level is entirely up to you.


Student Organizations

The Student Organization Center at Hilles offers more than 50,000 square feet of space for student life activities. We have more than 450 student organizations focused on everything from politics and photography to dance and debate. Whatever your interests, you can explore them at Harvard.
  • Student organization group Hack Harvard
  • 4 female students at a table on their laptops
  • students row  down the Charles river

Leadership & Service

Service and leadership programs allow Harvard students to make a difference in the lives of others—and to grow themselves. Our Global Day of Service introduces new students to this approach, and to our neighbors in Cambridge and Boston. By beginning their time at Harvard with humble acts that benefit their new community, students lay the foundation for a lifelong commitment to good citizenship.

Four people seated on an outdoor marble platform in front of a large building with columns, smiling at the camera. Trees and people walking are visible in the background.

Crimson Creators

Crimson Creators™ is a creative group of students from various Houses, interests, and academic disciplines who raise awareness, engage, increase enthusiasm and spirit, and create excitement about student life and opportunities. Members of the street team

Learn more about the Crimson Creators


When you've been around as long as we have, you're bound to pick up a few traditions. Here at Harvard, we take pride in keeping them alive and starting new ones as each student class comes and goes. From legends about the origins of the John Harvard statue to Commencement, stories and rituals are constantly shaping the vibrant culture on campus. Here's a peek at some of the traditions that we keep alive to this day.

View of Harvard Dorms from Charles River

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