Student experiences on campus vary widely. There are so many opportunities, social scenes, and academic disciplines. Today I will be showing you a typical day in the life of Samia Afrose - one student out of about 6,770 undergraduate students.
Each day is different in terms of classes, meetings, and social activities. On a random Tuesday of my senior Fall, this is a typical day in my life:
Wake up at 6am, get ready, and get breakfast

I try my best to wake up at 6am every day, but sometimes it ends up being around 7am. This is a sleep schedule I picked up in my junior year. Before this, I did not have the best sleep schedule…
School work until 12pm

After I eat breakfast, I typically stay in the dining hall and do school work such as watching lecture recordings, doing class readings, or working on a problem set.
Work Shift at Phillips Brooks House at 12pm

Afterward, I head to the Phillips Brooks House for my front desk shift.
Religion 1038 Class at 1pm

Then, I head to class for my Religion 1038 class which is also offered as a Harvard Divinity School Class, The Prophet Muhammad in History, Devotion, and Polemic.
CS 1210 at 3:45pm

Then I take the shuttle to the Science and Engineering Complex for my Computer Science 1210 Class, Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science, at 3:45pm
Dinner at 5:30pm

I then go to dinner. I usually get dinner at the dining hall, but today the Harvard Financial Aid & Initiative was hosting their monthly dinner at Boylston Hall, where they served food from Darbar.
Office Hours for CS 61

Following that, I went to my Computer Science 61 Office Hours. The class is on Systems Programming and Machine Organization.
Go to bed by 12am

After a long day of going to class, working, and doing school work, I try to go to bed ideally around 10:30, and latest 12am. That does not always happen depending on school work, so I adjust my wake-up time as needed.
One thing about being a student at Harvard is that you will be busy one way or another whether that is because of classes, extracurricular activities, jobs, or social activities. Time flew by and I am already a senior. Do not take your time at college for granted and enjoy every single moment.