For students seeking to engage with the humanities at Harvard, the Barker Center will prove to be the greatest location to do so.

Harvard Barker Center Atrium Photo taken by Steve Rosenthal from GoodyClancy
Being the home to all the humanities courses offered at the College, this building also houses the Barker Center Cafe which is known to be a widely favored spot when one is looking to do some studying or completing an essay.

A photo of the famous Barker Center Cafe! Photo taken by Steve Rosenthal from GoodyClancy
Continuing on the subject of essay work, below the Barker Center Cafe is the Harvard College Writing Center – a resource available to all undergraduate students who may need assistance or another pair of eyes to help review their papers and grant feedback.

The outside of Barker Center. Photo taken by Steve Rosenthal from GoodyClancy
And the best part? All of these locations are located at the Barker Center! If you’re interested in learning more, check out the video below!
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