You may have heard of Housing Day at Harvard. It is a time when each of the twelve upperclassmen houses welcome first years into their new home for the rest of their time at Harvard.
As a proud Adams House resident, I was one of the many Adamsians depicted above excited to welcome the new first years into our dorm. It was a different type of excitement being the one that brought the good news. Cheering in front of the doors of our new Adams residents was pure joy, instead of the nervous excitement I remember having as a first year. When I was a first year, I remember watching raptly as excited upperclassmen students stood in freezing cold temperatures while they found out whose dorms they were going to.

As my friends and I waited, we found out excitingly that we were in Adams! The closest house to the yard with the longest house history.

I remember feeling at the time, how crazy you have to be about your house to stand in the freezing cold weather for Housing Day. In the case of Adams House, this commitment is taken further because a part of Housing Day attire is the signature acorn boxers. To provide insight into why a year later I too was standing in the cold excited to welcome the new first years, I have to explain why Adams has warranted this.
It’s the people.
My friends who blocked with me and who I see on a daily basis. It is my entryway tutor who holds study breaks that allow me to take a break from a homework-filled night. It is also my sophomore advisor who has shared with me her advice and listened to my concerns. (She also has planned so many delicious study breaks as well). The people include those I see on a regular basis at events and in the welcoming common spaces at Adams which allow us to make new connections and slowly say, “...haven’t I seen you before”, to start a conversation. It is also our faculty deans at Adams who walk around and sit with students, talking about upcoming events or our individual passions. It is our security guard, who asks my roommate and I why we missed the brain break the night before or helps unlock the door when we forget our ID.
It’s the events.
There are fun and quirky events that are held weekly and annually here at Adams. Part of Adams' weekly events is our Thursday Carpes. A themed event with food and drinks to encourage socialization and relaxation.
In addition to the events and people, it is also our location.
I enjoy knowing that I can wake up five minutes before class and still get to class on time. Adams is right next to the bookstore and The Crimson, the student newspaper where I work on the opinion editorial board. It is also close to the Smith Center, which is a wonderful study spot with a beautiful view shown below.

Adams also has some interesting house features including this slightly distorted mirror in the main hall.

It is also conveniently located near St. Paul’s Parish where I can easily attend mass, pray, and lector.
Adams is one of the twelve Houses for our sophomores, juniors, and seniors. My experience in Adams has been incredible, and if you ask any other student on campus about their house, they will likely share the same sentiments and house pride for their peers and traditions. My house has enriched my school experience as it has for so many other Harvard students! This pride fostered in our Houses meant that on Thursday morning, I was excited that others were able to experience this same sense of community that had once welcomed me. All this and more meant that on a Thursday morning with my face and arms facing the cold, I was shouting with my fellow Adams House residents as we welcomed our new first years!