If living in a place with all four seasons is not familiar to you, here are some students’ takes on what their favorite season to be on campus is!
David ‘25
"Spring: As the weather gets warmer, it is super refreshing to be able to go outside and enjoy the beautiful scenery around campus"

Lucas ‘25
"My favorite season to be at campus is actually summer: it’s nice out, you’ve got campus to yourself, and you probably don’t have any tests or homework."

Adriana ‘26
"I've only seen all four seasons once since I've been here (Hawai'i basically has one season year round!), but I can say that I've really enjoyed the cusp between summer and fall. I love to see colors out in nature, and it's the perfect time to go exploring outside. There are still some hints of summer in the pockets of warmer weather with the cold, and fall brings the best food!"

Khanh ‘25
"Early semester when everyone’s magnanimity shines through each and every corner of campus. Study groups begin forming, friends begin reconnecting with one other, and goals begin to excite everyone for a beautiful semester ahead."

Marin ‘26
"There's nothing like fall at Harvard! Studying with friends on the steps of Widener library with golden leaves raining down all around."

David ‘27
"I think the fall is really beautiful, especially when I'm on the bridge looking out onto Boston."
Kawsar ‘26
I love being around in the fall because I can't wait to see so many new and familiar faces after coming back from the summer. The beautiful fall colors are also a plus!"

Tina ‘24
"You've heard it before, and you'll hear it again: New England Autumn is absolutely gorgeous. With the leaves changing color and falling down, your morning walk to class combined with your favorite playlist blasting in your ears will make romanticizing your life that much easier."
Desiree ‘24
"My favorite season on campus is winter! I love the snow and listening to Christmas music while walking through the yard. Seeing the snowmen built alongside other unique creations by students is also always a great time."