With admissions decisions being released today, my roommates and I have been sharing our ‘acceptance stories’.
Lillian was on a transatlantic flight and Jen, a barista, was actively checking her phone between crafting espresso drinks.
Daniela’s music teacher told the entire audience during a concert, despite her nerves and hesitation. She didn’t even believe it herself yet.
When I think back to the day I got into Harvard, the first thing that comes to mind is that Bubba was the first 'person' I told. Bubba, in case you’re wondering, was a 150-pound golden retriever.
I was a regular decision applicant, so I received my email at the end of March. I had a water polo game, and couldn’t check my e-mail until afterwards. But when I climbed into my dad’s black, Volkswagen Bug and checked my phone, there were no e-mails from Harvard Admissions. Nothing came in for the next three hours, so I just assumed I hadn’t gotten in.
I soon went to my friend Mariano’s house like any other night. With four crazy siblings and multiple dogs with names like Pepe and Paco, there was always something going on. My friend group had been having regular movie nights in his den since we submitted the last of our college applications and officially became ‘second-semester seniors’. We rejoiced over everyone’s acceptances and turned on “Men In Black.” It was business as usual.

My high school friends Mariano and Jose
By midnight, the enthusiasm had tired everyone out, except me. It occurred to me that I should try to log-on to the admitted students website. When a crimson ‘Welcome’ banner loaded I freaked out. I was sharing the love seat with Bubba, so my jerky movement woke him up. I apologized and showed him my phone to explain.
I know I sound crazy, but I didn’t know how to react. My friend Jose rushed me home and my mom and I cried in disbelief until the official e-mail appeared in my inbox. The music from the acceptance website still makes my mom a little teary-eyed.
Looking back, I realize that I probably knew as much about Harvard as Bubba did.
Today, I have favorite dining halls and study spaces, as well as a crew of friends that lovingly threw me a surprise party yesterday for my birthday. I have bean boots and so many flannel shirts, I could pass for a New-Englander.

Freshman Year Birthday

This year's Birthday!
Most exciting of all, I have the responsibility of planning the Freshman Orientation Week, thanks to my board position on Crimson Key Society. I’m so excited for the new class to come to Harvard. And I’m honored that I get to plan their first week here.

Blizzard Nemo visits Harvard Yard
Congratulations, Class of 2018! Seriously enjoy the rest of your senior year. I hope I’ll see you in August.

Head of the Charles Weekend