Commonly Asked Questions: Visitas Edition

Category Student Voices


Andrew Class of '16 Alumni
Authored on April 13, 2015


In about a week and a half, hundreds of admitted pre-frosh from the Class of 2019 will be arriving on campus for Harvard's annual Visitas program. This is the only chance that most students have to experience Harvard before deciding whether or not to attend, so there is a lot riding on your experience that weekend. So without further ado, here are my answers to common questions about Visitas:

1). My senior prom/musical/debate competition/piece of performance art/etc. is the same weekend as Visitas. Should I still come?

Yes, if at all possible, but especially if you have never visited Harvard before. Most students visit initially during their junior year when they are still deciding where to apply, and it is helpful to view the school through the eyes of an admitted student. You'll be approaching it with a more critical, discerning mind this time, and that's not a bad thing. You definitely should not commit to a school simply because it has a good name; everyone should try to experience it for themselves! But if you're like the top debater in your state and your team really needs you, then I guess we will have to forgive you for that.

Admitted students at Visitas

2). Can I arrive for Visitas early/stay late?

It is probably best to avoid that if at all possible, simply for ease of maneuvering around campus. While every 2019er will be issued a temporary ID for the weekend that gains them access to all Harvard facilities, these cards will not be distributed until 8:00 AM on Saturday. So if you were planning on flying in early to come to the Jessie J concert at Yardfest on Friday night, it might be best to think again (besides, you can't get into that unless you have an ID. So, impossible situation all around). On the other end, it's probably best to fly out by Monday night because 1). you've still gotta keep up those high school grades all the way to the finish line and you shouldn't be missing any more class than you have to and 2). you will be staying with a current Harvard student who has their own schedule to keep and who will not necessarily be available to let you into their dorm room at 11 AM on a Tuesday. 

3). What is the #1 event that I should try to attend at Visitas?

This is of course an entirely subjective opinion, but I think that everyone should try to attend the Freshman Musical held in Aggasiz Theatre on Saturday night. It gives you the opportunity to see the creativity of Harvard students on vivid display in a show that was entirely written/produced/performed by Harvard freshmen, who just one year ago were sitting in the audience where you are now! Even if musicals aren't "your thing", it's still a really fun evening.

Students dancing on stage

4). Where should I eat during Visitas?

You should definitely try to eat at least one of every meal (breakfast/lunch/dinner) in Harvard's dining halls so that you can get a feel of what to expect during a typical day at Harvard. Your host will be more than happy to let you accompany them. However, once you have actually made a few pre-frosh friends through the programs that you attend and you want to pretend to be carb-starved Harvard students for a night, then I point you towards the Late Night Quadfecta (is that a word, English concentrators?) of Harvard Square eateries: Felipe's (for greasy Mexican food), Pinocchio's (for greasy Italian food), the Hong Kong (for greasy Chinese food), and Tasty Burger (for greasy American food). If vegetables are more your style than grease, check out Clover! And if you're generally just too classy to pretend you're a starving student on a budget, you should try Grafton Street or Kennedy's On The Square.

5). How should I allocate my time at Visitas?

Plan to be busy. As I mentioned earlier, it can be difficult to coordinate times with your host to let you into their dorm room so it's best to take all that you need at the beginning of the day to plan ahead. If you're already interested in a particular department, use Monday to visit some of the classes that they are offering! If a student group that you are interested in is putting on a show/info session, then attend! Visitas is a low-commitment kind of weekend, where everyone is merely testing the waters to see how they feel. Cast your net wide; participating in something on Visitas weekend does not mean that you are permanently locked into that for the rest of your time in college. Enjoy yourself! 

Hope that helps, and I hope to see you on campus! :)

Andrew Class of '16 Alumni

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