There are 12 upperclassman houses at Harvard, 9 of them are known as river houses because they are located between Harvard Square and the Charles River, and 3 of them are known as Quad houses, located at the Radcliffe Quadrangle about 15-minute walk away from Harvard square (do not worry there are Harvard shuttles!).
Around 98% of Harvard College students live in on-campus housing. There is also a Dudely community for students who choose to live off-campus. These are homes for the sophomore, junior, and senior classes who found where their home would be for the next three years on Housing Day as a freshman. If you are curious to learn more about residential life as a first-year student be sure to check out this link!
Now, the upperclassmen at Harvard have a lot of pride in their houses, and if you were to ask which house is the best, they would most likely say their house. However, despite what you have heard before or what you may hear in the future, Lowell House is truly the best house and I will show you that through some of my favorite parts of Lowell.

Every Thursday from 5-6pm students living in Lowell house make fresh baked goods and come together to catch up with friends, take a break from studying, and sip delicious tea served by the Faculty Deans Nina Zipser and David Laibson. This is a way of strengthening the Lowell house community, catching up with old friends, making new friends, and talking to the Residential Deans in an informal space.
- Screening Room

Want to watch a movie, but don’t want to go to the movie theaters or just watch it on your laptop? Unique to Lowell House is the Screening Room. Inside there are movie theater-like seats and a big screen for students to connect their laptop to and play a movie of their choice while eating popcorn and chips.
- The Courtyard

One of my favorite places in Lowell House is the courtyard. When the weather is nice you will find students throwing a frisbee, playing soccer, studying outside at the tables, and reading a book on the hammock. Lowell House is also known for its dogs. Many tutors and staff residing in Lowell have cats and dogs, so you will often find dogs playing in the courtyard. They are very friendly so students will take the time to play with them and pet them. In fact, the tutors host times throughout the week for students to come and play with the dogs outside!
- The Bell Tower

One of the many things Lowell House is known for is its Bell Tower. No matter the time of day or weather, it is truly a beautiful and serene part of Lowell to look at (especially when you have the Bell Tower as your view from your dorm window). Also, every Sunday in the early afternoon, students are able to go up to the bell tower and ring the bells as much as their heart desires.
- The Library

Lowell Library is a great place for students to work when they need to focus in a calm, quiet setting. You can sit in the comfy couches, or at a chair and table. It is also the chance to see the many familiar faces of Lowell House.
- The Staff and Community

Most importantly, what makes Lowell the best house is the community. Living in the same house for three years allows students to walk around and see familiar faces, interact with people they may not see otherwise in class or extracurriculars, and have friendly conversations with the staff. The staff truly play a great role in the community including the Deans, tutors, security staff, dining hall staff, janitorial staff, and building staff they are always so welcoming with their sweet smiles and warm greetings