First-Year Highlights

Category Student Voices


College student, Nadine
Nadine Class of '22 Alumni
Authored on April 30, 2019


Even though I am excited for summer break and going home to enjoy everything that comes with break, I am not ready to leave my first year at Harvard behind.

The past few months have flown by very quickly and even though it feels like Opening Days and the first week of classes were just yesterday, a lot has happened in that time and there are a plethora of memories to look back at and remember how great of a year this has been.

Here are a few of my favorite memories from the past year:

Opening Days

Arriving on campus full of eager students ready to tackle new experiences is one of the most exciting experiences that one can be a part of. I arrived as excited but also as lost as many other people. Trying to figure out our way around Harvard, meeting people, going to events, and embracing the idea of orientation as much as we can was definitely an experience. One event during Opening Days was a lobster picnic and I remember just sitting to eat on the Widener Library steps and meeting some people who are now one one of my closest friends at Harvard. Below is a picture of me and my roommate that day!

My roommate and I at an opening days lobster picnic

My roommate and I at an opening days lobster picnic.

Cambridge and Boston

Location was a very important factor for me during my college application process and Harvard’s location does not disappoint. Living in Cambridge, but being so close to Boston has been one of the best parts of my year and I am sure will continue to be a highlight over the next few years. I may not have gone into Boston as often as I would have liked, but I can say that I was satisfied with every trip I took. My favorite Boston destination is the North End or anywhere that overlooks the water. Here is a snap of one of my favorite spots.

views of the water in Boston

One of my favorite views of the water in Boston.

Winter Break

Spending time at Harvard is absolutely incredible and I am very excited to spend the next 3 years here. However, taking a break and leaving Harvard can also be great. It gives you time to miss it! Winter break was perfectly timed, fun, relaxing, and maybe a tad too long, but I cannot really complain. I went back home, to Palestine, for most of the break and it was really nice to catch up with friends and family and share my first semester experience with them.


One of the most cliche answers you can give someone when they ask about your favorite thing at Harvard or about the highlights of your experience is saying "the people". However, it is very overused because, or at least in my opinion, it is very true.

This past year, I had the honor of meeting different people from all around the country and the world, from different backgrounds, sharing interests and views about a wide variety of topics.

Engaging in conversation with people at Harvard is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling memories from my time here and has has shaped my perception of Harvard and helped me change my perception of other things as well. One of my roommates was adamant about taking pictures of people who came to our room this year and even though I might not have seen where that project could go back then, I am beyond grateful to her for doing that. As the year is ending, I get to wake up every morning and look at this wall and start my day with a big smile!

wall of Polaroid photo collage

Polaroid wall in my first-year dorm.

I could go on for pages and pages about first-year memories and highlights from simple, short conversations with people to classes and events, to anything and everything in between. I am very grateful to have this year to look back on and it makes me more excited for the years to come.

Nadine Class of '22 Alumni

Hi there! My name is Nadine, and I come to campus from Ramallah, Palestine. I live in Leverett House and am considering a concentration in Neuroscience.

College student, Nadine
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Student Voices